Balance Sheets

As at 30 June

Group Company
Note 2018

Intangible assets 8 2 2 - -
Property, plant and equipment 9 15 16 - -
Investments 10 6 27 - -
Deferred tax assets 11 4 5 - 3
Retirement benefit surplus 7e 22 - 22 -
Trade and other receivables 12 8 11 - -
Total non-current assets
57 61 22 3
Inventories 13 2,218 2,043 - -
Trade and other receivables 12 42 35 675 945
Cash and cash equivalents 14f 90 62 89 61
Total current assets
2,350 2,140 764 1,006
Total assets
2,407 2,201 786 1,009

Retained earnings at 1 July 2017 18 1,131 937 701 701
Profit for the year 17 308 253 1 51
Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year 18 18 (7) 18 (7)
Dividends paid 18 (74) (44) (74) (44)
Movement in LTIP/SAYE
(4) (8) -
Retained earnings
1,379 1,131 646 701
Share capital 37 37 37 37
Share premium account
59 59 59 59
Other reserves
8 8 7 7
Total equity

1,483 1,235 749 804

Bank loans 14 5 90 5 90
Trade and other payables 15 178 197 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 11 5 3 - -
Retirement benefit obligations 7e - 2 - 2
Long-term provisions 16 9 8 - -
Total non-current liabilities
197 300 5 92
Bank overdrafts and loans 14b 22 45 - 83
Trade and other payables 15 671 585 30 27
Current income tax liabilities
34 36 2 3
Total current liabilities 
727 666 32 113
Total liabilities
924 966 37 205
Total equity and liabilities
2,407 2,201 786 1,009

The financial statements on pages 110 to 142 were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 September 2018 and were signed on its behalf by:


Director                                           Director


Redrow plc Registered Number 2877315