“The Committee ensures that the Group lives up to high environmental and placemaking standards and delivers on its commitment to promote the creation of socially and economically sustainable communities.”
Committee Membership and Meetings
The Members of the Committee during the Financial Year comprised Sir Michael Lyons, who was Chairman of the Committee and Nick Hewson, Independent Non-Executive Director, Matthew Pratt, Southern Regional Chief Executive, Robert MacDiarmid, Group Sustainability Director, and Karen Jones, Group Human Resources Director.
Liz Peace retired from the Board on 31 August 2017 and was replaced by Sir Michael Lyons on 1 September 2017 as Chairman of the Committee.
On 1 September 2017 the Committee was renamed the Placemaking and Sustainability Committee.
Table of Attendance
Name | Role | Attendance at Meetings |
Sir Michael Lyons | Chairman | 3/3 |
Liz Peace* | Chairman | 0/0 |
Nick Hewson | Member | 3/3 |
Matthew Pratt** | Member | 2/3 |
Robert MacDiarmid | Member | 3/3 |
Karen Jones | Member | 3/3 |
*There were no meetings held between 1 July 2017 and 31 August 2017, being the date which Liz Peace retired as Chairman of the Committee
**Due to unforeseen circumstances, Matthew Pratt, was unable to attend one of the meetings but was fully appraised of the matters discussed therein.
The Committee met two times during the year ended 30 June 2018. For all meetings, papers were circulated sufficiently in advance to allow proper consideration of all matters for discussion. The Group Company Secretary acts as Secretary to the Committee.
Responsibilities and Terms of Reference
The key responsibilities of the Committee are:
- to develop and monitor the Company’s approach to sustainability and to review and approve the sustainability targets proposed by management;
- to assess the impact of the Company's operations on the environment and communities affected by its activities, including the consideration of policies to enhance the benefits of those activities and mitigate any negative impact of those activities;
- to have regard to environmental corporate social responsibility and community issues, including environmental management systems, waste management systems, recycling and energy management;
- to ensure that the Group Sustainability Director produces in advance of each meeting a sustainability performance scorecard to assist the Committee to more clearly evaluate the relationship between the sustainability initiatives in place, or being considered, and the related performance levels being achieved;
- to ensure that the Company supports its people on a learning and development pathway to deliver high quality products and services and to ensure that there is sufficient encouragement and support given to Company employees so that they can realise their capability to contribute to the social, environment and economic health of our communities and having regard to the promoting and maintaining the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being in the workplace;
- to ensure that the Company continues to be an employer of choice in the industry, valuing and respecting its diversity; providing both advantage, and equality of opportunity in recruitment, development, recognition and reward;
- to review the Company’s policies and reporting with regard to personnel recruitment, development and succession planning to ensure a sustainable and engaged workforce;
- to have regard to the Company’s involvement in the community, and the Company’s policy on charitable donations and activities;
- to have regard to the Company’s developments in customer engagement and service to ensure its values are upheld;
- to adhere to the Company’s three key principles of sustainability: Thriving Communities, Building Responsibly and Valuing People; and
- to ensure that we are continuing to create great places to live and making social, economical and environmental contributions to local areas by setting well-designed homes and amenities within attractive shared spaces.
The Committee regularly reviews its Terms of Reference; these were last reviewed in May 2018 and are published on the Group’s website.
Main Activities During the Year
During the year ended 30 June 2018 the principal activities of the Committee were as follows:
- assessed the changes required to achieve the target of implementing an accredited H&S Management system (ISO45001);
- implemented three new sustainability themes (Thriving Communities, Building Responsibly and Valuing People) and set the objectives and targets in order to fully integrate these principles within the Group;
- supported the implementation of the new Intranet, which promotes increased communication across the Group;
- monitored and reviewed the Company’s response to environmental legislation and regulation, ensuring the appropriate risk mitigation controls were being implemented, monitored and evaluated;
- monitored the suitability of internal and external communication of sustainability related activities. Methods of communication included internal magazines, Companywide briefings and updates to the Company’s website;
- approved the Company becoming Gold Leaf members of the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) and becoming corporate members of Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded by the construction industry to improve its image;
- supported a series of workshops that were run to help refine the Group’s placemaking principles. These principles, which have been titled “Redrow 8”, are being developed by drawing on the Group’s many years of experience delivering high quality distinctive places to live;
- encouraged the Company to become a member of the NHS Healthy Towns Network. The purpose of the network is to explore how new housing developments can achieve better health outcomes;
- evaluated the outcomes of a pilot project examining how our current design approach is impacting biodiversity at several of our existing developments. Whilst the sample of sites in this exercise was not large enough to make wider predictions, the findings gave insight into the key considerations for achieving biodiversity ‘net gain’ and will inform the development of our new biodiversity strategy;
- supported the formulation of a health and wellbeing strategy which is being developed to improve the wellbeing of the Group’s people and create a more inclusive workplace; and
- continued to review and evaluate the Group’s collaboration with education partners, which is aiming to positively impact people and communities.
Performance Evaluation
The Committee members completed a performance evaluation during the financial year and a report was presented by the Secretary to the Committee and discussed. The Committee was found to be effective and it was concluded that the Committee had fulfilled its remit and had in place appropriate Terms of Reference.
Chairman of the Placemaking and Sustainability Committee
3 September 2018