Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Note As at
2 January
As at
27 December
As at
27 June
Intangible assets - 2
Property, plant and equipment 19 19 19
Lease right of use assets 5 6 6
Deferred tax assets 1 1 1
Retirement benefit surplus 5 50 24 40
Total non-current assets 75 52 66
Inventories  6 2,644 2,454 2,513
Trade and other receivables 48 64 100
Current corporation tax - - 1
Cash and cash equivalents 8 242 242 160
Total current assets 2,934 2,760 2,774
Total assets 3,009 2,812 2,840
Retained earnings at 28 June 2021/29 June 2020 1,768 1,522 1,522
Profit for the period 164 141 254
Other comprehensive income for the period 7 2 7
Dividends paid (65) - (21)
Movement in LTIP/SAYE (25) 2 6
Retained earnings  1,849 1,667 1,768
Share capital 10 37 37 37
Share premium account 59 59 59
Other reserves 8 8 8
Total equity 1,953 1,771 1,872
Bank loans 8 - 4 -
Trade and other payables 7 141 144 152
Deferred tax liabilities 18 5 15
Long-term provisions  43 8 34
Total non-current liabilities 202 161 201
Trade and other payables 7 853 879 767
Current income tax liabilities  1 1 -
Total current liabilities  854 880 767
Total liabilities 1,056 1,041 968
Total equity and liabilities 3,009 2,812 2,840